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The cover artwork for Amazonas: a green geometric yellow-naped parrot facing left within the outline of the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The cover artwork is mostly green-coloured.
The cover artwork for Amazonas: a green geometric yellow-naped parrot facing left within the outline of the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The cover artwork is mostly green-coloured.


Introducing Amazonas: one of my most experimental tracks ever!

Amazonas (2020)

Originally called "Thing of the Jungle", Amazonas began production on September 24, 2017. This was a very experimental time for my music. In this track, I shamelessly messed about with how the delay feedback, mixing, and timing (think echos), as well as the feedback data of a peddleboard plugin, would play out throughout only one synth in GarageBand. This resulted in those dark layers you hear in the background of this track.

I then added a simple drum beat and a triplet analog synth, and what do you know? What started out as me messing around having echo values increase and decrease erratically, turned into this track.

When I heard this track, my first thought was "jungle" and "rainforest". Because I like naming my tracks after what my mind imagines when I hear it, I named it "Thing of the Jungle", because the track brought up images of chasing a mysterious beast in a woodland environment of sorts. Then I decided to name it Amazonas, after the state in Brazil which houses most of the Amazon Rainforest. I just thought "Amazonas" sounded cooler than "Amazon".

Amazonas' outline appears in this track's cover art, along with a yellow-naped parrot, a species native to the region. It is a vulnerable species because of bushfires and deforestation across the Amazon.
